The Shivuez Clouds - version Swift

City Plaza
Past Life

If you still have any questions, which you can't find the answers to, have no fear, and check below for the most common questions...

Q What is the market forum?
A It's a new place you can hang out once you have adopted a Shuvu or a different creature. There's tonnes of stuff to do, and you can meet other owners there...
Q Will you make customs?
A Rarely. A custom is the plain boring name for a limited edition - and we all know how rare they are! Just wait to be asked... It depends what mood I'm in and how much time I have on my hands. You can ask, but don't expect a good reply, to be frank. I might be turned if you offer to do me a custom too - it's good to share! And also, as the setup for adopting is now different, you can't expect me to make any more :)
Q Can I change the background to the crit?
A This is a tricky one. I don't mind you putting a background BEHIND the picture, but in no ways may you tamper with the graphic itself. I would appreciate if you email me first to let me know what you aim to do.
Q What about the colour of the background?
A Another tricky one. Ok, I relent. You may change the background colour of the crit in order for the picture to blend in with your site. For example, if your site is blue, you may colour the white around the crit to be blue. Geddit? I'm sorry they're not transparent (any help for that would be useful) so this I can agree to.
Q If I put something wrong on the form, what will happen?
A I will give you two chances to make it right. Some are genuine mistakes e.g. miss-spelling the site address etc, but others are delibrate. I will email you with a list of the problems, and I'll expect you to fill the form out fully again. I delete the bad forms, so I probably won't remember your details unless you type them out again - sorry!
Q How do I know whether my crit is a male or female?
A I used to think this way a stupid question - until I took out the gender factor from the stats. On the actual images, if you look at the eyes closely you can tell. Females have obvious eyelashes and males don't. You CANNOT change the gender.
Q How many different kinds of poses are there?
A There were 4 active poses with the Shivuez, and another 6 retired ones. Each pose could be unique because the tail, element, colours and mutations varied. Also, the gender is different so the whole personality of the crit will vary, and that will come across in the picture. But now, as a new crit is coming, I'm not sure.
Q Can I change my crit's name?
A Of course! First you MUST email me to ask.
Q How do you breed?
A You can't. Yet.
Q What's coming next?
A That's a secret ;)
Q Can I own more than one limited?
A NO. Absolutely not any more. These types of crit are given as prizes, gifts or just to say thanks for some help. They are one off, and you may not have two. That's unfair! Unless of course (how come there is ALWAYS a loophole?!?!) it is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY and I stress the word VERY special circumstances. Which hardly happens. Ever. So. Give. It. Up.
Q Can we have more than one pack?
A NO! You are, however, allowed a very big pack, so don't complain!
Q You say in the rules 'You can stop people adopting as many as they want.' Why is that?
A Good question. Well, the main reason is to let other people adopt too and get a chance to pick which element they want. I know from experience that there are people who would adopt all of them if they could, and that's just not fair on other hopeful adoptees. Also, people can take advantage. Packs can become crowded, and therefore the crit can become unhappy in their own homes. 
Q What paint program do you use?
A Paint Shop Pro 7 (the Jasc software), a little old fashioned, but it does it's job. Also I drew the outlines with regular paint *SHOCK*
Q In the Message Board, how do you add a picture to your name?
Q What are Limiteds and how do you get them?

A These are crits which do not match any particular element, may have strange mutations, colours or patterns. They are very hard to come by, and you can get them from competitions, me asking you or being a sister site etc. Stuff like that. Very seldom I ask people though, so don't bug me.
Q When are you going to put up more crits?
A When most of the rarest have gone, and the forms simmer down a little. They will come soon enough!
Q Can I help with the site?
A Not really... I get asked this all of the time too. It's FAB that people want to be involved, but I really have the site system sorted to my own ways. I'd gladly upgrade people to be moderators on the forum, but you have to be a COMMITTED OWNER, and I will be the judge of that. Just mail me.
If you have any questions which you'd like me to post up on this page, don't hesitate to email us at straight away.


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Shivuez. The World within the skies. 

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