"Hi!" says the harlequin female. "My name is Kerra.
Nice to meet you!"
You shake her tiny hand.
#92. Broken white and lilac harlequin/Purple-blue eyes/Female
Speed: 8 Strength: 6 Stealth: 6 Agility: 9 Stamina: 7
She's not scary, you think to yourself. You chuckle.
The creature doesn't seem to notice much. She are looking round, much like you are.
"Nice place," comments Kerra.
"Definitely!" you reply.
"I've just moved in," Kerra explains. "This is one
place I like a lot, don't you?"
You agree silently.
"Well, it was nice meeting you," Kerra says finally.
"Yes, perhaps you will come back later when we will probably will have moved in properly, unless we see somewhere else we
like... which I doubt very much..."
You think about it, and then change your mind.
Warena earth
Name: Varnaca
Gender: Female
Show Name: Shivuez' Tranquill Gardens
Show Points: None
Power: Control over plants and anything having
to do with the earth. (plants, rocks earthy stuff.)
The creature whizzes past, then another steps in it's
place. It is a creature of the same kind, but this one doesn't seem to mind sticking around...
"My name is Cleon. I'm a Warena, like Varnaca, but she
seems to have disappeared somewhere..."
Warena air
Name: Cleon
Gender: Male
Show Name: Shivuez' Air Fairy
Show Points: None
Power: Control over air and anything having to do with air.
"Over there? Oh, that's Dasher. [bottom]
He's shy, so don't go any closer."
Warena special addition
Name: Dasher
Gender: Male
Show Name: Shivuez' HaberDasher
Show Points: None
Power: To make things sparkel by envisioning it in his brain.