You sense that someone - something - has
been here before. A rustling wind echoes through the cave, and you blink twice, trying to see through the harsh light. You
see clues that shows that something has lived here previously (perhaps not long ago) but you can't see or hear a soul but
your steady breathing.
Taking one last look around, you turn on your
heels and leave. You want to discover where this mysterious being which haunts the cave came from, so you head off to a
nearby place - the Eternal Phantasm.
You spy a hole in the ground, and decide (perhaps
foolishly) to crawl down and through it. You crawl for hours and hours, until your hands feel red raw. Fortunately, you emerge
soon enough, into a large, spacious room.
Looking eagerly around for somewhere to sit, you spy a large and comfy-looking armchair. You hobble over to it, and
you're about to sit down when...
You whizz round, searching for the owner
of the loud, shrilly voice, but you can't see a soul. You shiver, and glance down at your seat.
There, sat quite forlornly, is
an egg. A very beautiful egg, which changes colour in the light. You want to pick it up, stroke it, hold it, but you daren't.
That voice really did freak you out.
You sense a being stood behind you, and you twirl round only to spy a cute,
grinning creature. It looks a little like a ball of purple fluff, and it speaks to you...
"So, you're my new visitor! I don't get those very often... My name's Adey. I'm
a Chipi! Aren't I cute? I live here, you know. Shivuez looks after me and they're very kind. I know I'm not very old but I
want to be really clever when I grow up!
I was sweet when I was little too. He's
an old picture of me. Wasn't I adorable? Why don't you go and adopt one of my friends? They're waiting for you to take them